Pillow People

“Pillow people are huggable, Pillow People are lovable…”

If you have a kid, you’re probably well-versed in the ways of Pillow Pets these days. But how well do you remember the cuddly little buddies that started it all?

Ah, Pillow People.

Created by Springs Industries in the summer of 1986, they were nothing more than a full-size pillow decorated with iron-on decorations that turned the stuffing-filled fabric into cutesy, lovable characters.

From Big Footsteps’ big ol’ hot pink feet to Rock-a-Bye Baby’s bright pink cheeks, there was a Pillow People (er, ‘Person’?) for every kid. (And let’s not forget Pillow Fighter’s black eye and Punky Pillow’s way-cool shades.)

Springs also produced ‘mini’ versions, too, just in case your bed was already crowded with Teddy Ruxpin and too many Cabbage Patch Kids.

The line went on to include (yes) pets, but by the time the 90s rolled around, the craze (if there ever was one) had fizzled, and we’d have to wait for modern-day Pillow Pets to fill the void left behind.

Nowadays you can still find vintage Pillow People on eBay–– though, really, would you seriously buy someone else’s 25-year-old pillow?

This might be a case where your warm, fuzzy memories are plenty.

We ♥ Pillow People.

~ by weheart80s on April 24, 2012.

2 Responses to “Pillow People”

  1. Where can I buy a girl pillow pet

  2. where can I can I buy a girl pillow pet

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